Annat Royd Farmhouse, Ingbirchworth, Yorkshire. We do not yet know the date that this house was built, but it was referred to in Adam Eyre's Diary of 1647 when he talks of walking with Richard Micklethwait towards Annat Royd. Richard's son William Micklethwait left this property to his son Richard (1657 - 1750) who in turn left it to his nephew Jonas Micklethwait (1710 - 1745).

The house may well have been built by third brother Richard Micklethwait (1520 - 1589). If so, the family owned it for 6 generations. Two closes, Annat Royd & Oxcloses are referred to in an indenture made between members of the Micklethwait family on 12th February 1580-1.