Homes & Churches

Herewith a selection of some of the homes that were occupied by members of the family over the centuries & some of the churches in which they were baptised, married & buried. The majority of the photos were taken in 2002.

Others photos which are not shown here, both new & old, are available by e-mail on request if required for Local History Research.

Please click here if you wish to see a full list of all the homes; churches & properties referred to in these records

(Click the image for a larger photograph)

Commencing 12th century.


Banks Hall, Cawthorne, Nr Barnsley, Yorkshire. It is said that Banks Hall now stands on the site of the original Micklethwait home. In the book 'A History of Cawthorne' there is a paragraph headed 'Banks Hall'. It states that this house was formally called Micklethwait or the Bank. In the same publication, there is reference to members of the Micklethwait family in Cawthorne in 1379 at the time of Richard II Poll Tax. In another publication there is a reference to the Micklethwait family home being demolished prior to the building of the hall now known as Banks Hall.

Cawthorne Parish Church. There are 17 entries listing Micklethwaits in the Cawthorne Parish Registers dating from 1658 to 1711. Also there are 10 earlier entries in the Bishops' Transcripts dating from 1626 to 1638.


Woolgreave Farmhouse, Cawthorne. We do not know when the house was originally built but the 1379 Poll tax returns for Yorkshire refer to William & Joanna Micklethwait of Cawthorne & it is likely that they either lived where Banks Hall now stands or at nearby Woolgreave. Various other Micklethwaits are listed in the Cawthorne Parish Registers & Bishops Transcripts from 1626 until 1711 & it is likely that some of them lived at Woolgreave. We know definitely that Micklethwaits lived in the house circa 1700 because of a monumental inscription in Cawthorne Parish Church graveyard.

Cawthorne Parish Church. A monumental inscription in Cawthorne Parish Church graveyard refers to Mary wife of Josias Micklethwait of Woolgreave died 1710 aged 68 years & to her son John buried 1676.

Commencing 16th Century.

Grange Farmhouse, Ingbirchworth, Yorkshire. We do not yet know the date that this house was built but it has an inscription over the front door which reads 'John Micklethwait owned this house in 1624'. It is quite possible that it was also owned by his father (born 1546) & possibly by his grand-father (died 1594) & his great grandfather (1490 - 1544). This house is now known as 'The Grange'.

The great gandfather had 4 sons all of whom were described as being 'of Ingbirchworth'. So far we have traced 3 houses in Inbirchworth that were owned by the family at this time - this one & the two that follow. It seems likely that the elder son lived in this house in the second half of the 16th Century.

York Minster. Whilst Penistone Church (photograph with Annat Royd farmhouse) was the local parish church for Ingbirchworth, there are also records from the 17th century showing members of the family being buried at York Minster.


Annat Royd Farmhouse, Ingbirchworth, Yorkshire. We do not yet know the date that this house was built, but it was referred to in Adam Eyre's Diary of 1647 when he talks of walking with Richard Micklethwait towards Annat Royd. Richard's son William Micklethwait left this property to his son Richard (1657 - 1750) who in turn left it to his nephew Jonas Micklethwait (1710 - 1745).

The house may well have been built by third brother Richard Micklethwait (1520 - 1589). If so, the family owned it for 6 generations. Two closes, Annat Royd & Oxcloses are referred to in an indenture made between members of the Micklethwait family on 12th February 1580-1.

Penistone Parish Church. Their are numerous entries in the Penistone Parish Registers that refer to members of the family over many generations.



Upper House, Cawthorne - formerly Ingbirchworth, Yorkshire. This house was built in 1569 by the 4th brother Anthony Micklethwait (1522 - 1593) & it was occupied by his son John Micklethwait (died 1677). We do not yet know whether it was also occupied by later generations. Due to a boundary change, this property now has a Cawthorne postal address.

Penistone Parish Church. - as shown above.


Swaithe Hall, Worbrough Dale, Yorkshire. We know that this hall was occupied by the family in 1544 - and probably for some time before that. It was extended in 1618 by Richard Micklethwait. Until recently there was a plaque on the front of the house inscribed R.1618. M. It denoted the insertion of a 1st floor over the hall in 1618. Now known as Swaithe Hall Farmhouse.

Worsborough Parish Church.

Commencing 17th Century.

Master's House, Temple Church, London. Paul Micklethwait of the Southern Branch was Master of The Temple - the Rector of the Church from 1628 until 1639. The house was originally built by Sir Christopher Wren - was badly damaged by enemy action in the second world war & was restored after the war. The end of the Temple Church can be seen on the left of the picture.

Temple Church, London. Part of this ancient church is round as illustrated in this photo. The Church was consecrated in 1185 - the whole Temple community had moved from an earlier site in High Holborn. The church was the chapel serving the London Headquarters of the Knights Templar & from them it took it's name. Effigies on the floor of the round church commemorate patrons of the knights Templar who are buried there.


Hopton Hall, Mirfield, West Yorkshire. Daniel Micklethwait of the Hopton Branch (1681-1765) lived here as did following generations as detailed in the 1851 census records. St Johns Church, Upper Hopton, Mirfield, West Yorkshire. James Micklethwait donated the land & laid the first stone in 1844.


Cherry Burton House. This house now stands on the site of the old rectory. 3 generations of the family lived here, one of whom became President of the College of Physicians in London & also Physician to King Charles II.

Cherry Burton Parish Church, Yorkshire. Thomas Micklethwait was the Rector of Cherry Burton & Member of The Westminster Assembly of Divines in London as Yorkshire Representative 1642.


The Long Marston Rectory. 3 generations of the family lived here. One of the family commanded a Troop of Horse at the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644 but died of his wounds. Others lived at Terrington & Gilling East. The Terrington home no longer exists but the Gilling East Rectory still stands & is illustrated below.

Long Marston Church. The family were successive Rectors of Long Marston near York. There are also records of the family having worshipped & having been Rectors of Terrington & of Gilling East. The daughter of the Rector of Easingwold married a member of the family.


Photo to follow

The Gilling East Rectory.

The Gilling East Church.


The family home in Swine was demolished before photography so regrettably there can be no photo shown here.

Swine in Holderness. 4 generations of the family lived here. In 1653, Joseph Micklethwait & his son John acquired the former priory's Manor of Swine. Later John's son Joseph added to the estate by buying the rectorial estates in Swine & at nearby Ganstead. The estate descended in turn to his sons. The elder son became Lord Commissioner of The Treasury & Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance in 1717. The younger son became Viscount Micklethwait & when both brothers died unmarried, the estate passed into the hands of another family.

Swine in Holderness Parish Church.


The Manor House, Ardsley, Nr. Barnsley, Yorkshire. Two members of the family lived here in the 18th century.

Darfield Parish Church. 37 members of the family are recorded as having worshipped here over the generations.


Beeston Hall, Nr. Norwich, Norfolk. 4 generations of the family lived in the hall that stood on this site prior to the erection of the hall which appears in the photo.The family bought, & then completely re-built, the former hall. They were Lords of several manors in both Norfolk & Suffolk.

Sprowston Parish Church, Nr Norwich, Norfolk. There are records of the family worshipping here, including a very fine family monument within the church to the left of the alter.

Commencing 18th century.

Please see photo two above.

Billingley Hall, Yorkshire. This house was occupied by the family from about 1750 through to the time of the 1851 census.

Darfield Parish Church. Some pews still are named 'Benjamin Micklethwait of Billingley Hall'.


Ardsley House, Ardsley, Nr. Barnsley, Yorkshire. 5 generations of the family lived here - the first having built the house. The last Lord of The Manor of Ardsley died in 1976 & the house is now a hotel.

Ardsley Parish Church. This church was built in 1841 on land donated by the Micklethwait family. More information at

There are several memorials to the family within the church.


Iridge Place, Hurst Green, Sussex. 4 generations of the family lived here. One was created a baronet by Queen Victoria; another was High Sheriff of Sussex. They owned estates in many counties & also some overseas.

Salehurst Parish Church, Sussex. Within this church there is a monument to two members of the family & a family hatchment with an explanatory notice.



Taverham Hall, Taverham, Nr. Norwich, Norfolk. This hall was built by the Micklethwait family on the site of an earlier hall. 4 members of the family are listed as being 'of Taverham Hall' & they were also Lords of The Manor of Taverham. The hall & estate eventually passed to another family by marriage when there were no further male heirs in this branch of the family.

Taverham Parish Church. Various members of the family are buried here in the Church yard. Some individually & some in a family vault.


Claxton Grange, Nr. Bossall, Yorkshire. This was the home of the Faber Micklethwaits from c 1793. Members of this branch still live near York & in County Durham.

Bossall Church. This was the church used by those who lived at Claxton Grange & a family grave is still to be found in the churchyard.

Commencing 19th century.

No photo currently available

Clayton Hall, Clayton West, Yorkshire. Two brothers Richard & Benjamin Micklethwait each married daughters of Richard Greaves of Leeds & Clayton Hall. Benjamin's son Richard Greaves; his daughter Marianne & his younger son Edward are all shown as having been born at Clayton Hall. The family then moved on to Billingley Hall as shown above.

High Hoyland Church. This was the church at which the children would have been baptised.



Coltishall Hall, Norfolk. The 1851 census records that the Rev John Micklethwait (ID No 891) & his wife were living at Coltishall Hall, prior to inheriting Taverham Hall when his half brother Nathaniel Waldergrave Micklethwait (No 890) died in 1856. It is said that there has been a hall on this site since around 1700 & it is believed that it was modernised in 1830 & altered again in 1871 when it was given a new facade. The current facade bears the date of 1871.



The Old Vicarage, Hickling, Norfolk. The home of The Reverend Sotherton Nathaniel Micklethwait (1823 - 1889) - he was Rector of Hickling for some 40 years; Principal landowner & Lord of The Manors of Hickling Overhall; Hickling Netherhall & Hickling Stannow. His father owned the land before him.

Hickling Parish Church. Hickling is a small village on the famous Norfolk Broads. There are references to the family within this beautiful secluded church.


Hodroyd Hall & Painthorpe House, Criggleston, Yorkshire. Hodroyd Hall, as pictured above, was owned by Lord Galway but he was apparently an absent Landlord & John Micklethwait of Hodroyd was his tenant. It seems likely that John & his family lived in Hodroyd Hall because the records show that they had let out Painthorpe House - the nearby house which they owned.

Felkirk Parish Church. The church records include references to family members worshipping here over several generations.


Red House, Rotherham. This house which was built circa 1880 was purchased by William H Micklethwait of the Hodroyd Branch in 1882. He lived there until his death in 1925 & his widow continued to live there until she died in 1932.

Whiston Parish Church, Rotherham. This was the parish church used by the Micklethwaits of Red House & there are several family graves in the churchyard.


No photo is currently available of Thornville.

No photos currently available.

Old Thornville, Kirk Hammerton, Yorkshire. John Micklethwait of Ardsley House, Yorkshire (1795-1861) was described as being 'of Ardsley & Old Thornville' as was his son Richard (1830-1888). Richard's younger brother John Pollard (1836-1909) was also described as being of 'Old Thornville & Penhein, Chepstow'. John's will left all 'my freehold messuages lands tenements mines minerals tythes and rent charges etc. situated and being near Thornville otherwise Little Cattall Kirkhammerton and Great Cattall'.

Various churches in York. In addition to York Minster, there are records of the family having worshipped in York at St Thomas; St Peter; St Martin Micklegate; St John's Micklegate; Holy Trinity Micklegate; & All Saints (one being buried at All Saints Pavement).


Penhein, Llanvair Discoed, Nr. Chepstow. Monmouthshire. Four generations of the family have lived here including an eminent barrister & his son Rear Admiral St John Aldrich Micklethwait (1901-1977). High Sheriff of Monmouthshire. This home is still occupied by members of the family.

St Mary's Church, Llanvair Discoed, Chepstow. There is reference in the stained glass window to the Micklethwait family & the Admiral's Battle Flag is still displayed in the church. There are also a number of family graves in the churchyard.

Commencing 20th century.

No photo is currently available of Preston Hall.


Preston Hall, Uppingham, Rutland. This home is also still occupied by members of the family.